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A Light that Shines in Darkness

March 30, 2020

A Light that Shines in Darkness

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness could not overcome it.” John 1: 5 I read today that Milwaukee Brewer radio announcer, Lane Grindle, put up his Christmas lights and was urging others to do the same with the tweet: “What if we all put our Christmas tree lights back up. Then we couId get in the car and drive around and look at them. That seems like a fair social distancing activity.”

It’s one of many ideas designed to distract from the health crisis, but, more importantly, give hope to see “the light at the end of the tunnel.” Christmas lights remind us of the Light of the world that came to give hope to all the nations. In the same way today, we need to have faith that there will soon be a renewal of spirit that will return us to the connectedness that we so cherish with one another.

In the meantime, consider ways in which you can bring Christ’s light into the world. Prayer: O, God, we thank you that your Son continues to bring light into our lives. In this time of anxiety and uncertainty, help us to share His light with others. We ask this prayer in Your name. Amen.

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