Roll up your sleeve and accept the challenge!
The American Red Cross will sponsor a community blood drive next Tuesday, June 17, from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm, at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 17535 Say Road.
Four local banks are offering a challenge! The Bank of Flint Hills, State Farm, Bennington State Bank, and Kaw Valley State Bank have each contributed $100 to a fund that will benefit a local church. The church that brings in the most donors on June 17th will receive the $400!
Call 1-800-Red-Cross to schedule your appointment. When you arrive to donate, be sure to mention that are with First Presbyterian Church.
The need for blood is constant. Only volunteer donors can fulfill the need for patients in our community. Nationwide, someone needs a unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds. For more information about blood donation, visit
