Easter Sunrise Service will be held at this location.
We will gather with several other local churches and join for Easter Sunrise Service at a new rural location.
Music will begin at 6:40 am.
Service will begin at 7:00 am.
Directions: The area is located on Hwy 99, five miles north of the Hwy 24/Hwy 99 intersection in Wamego. Watch for a mailbox, decorated with a fishing pole, on the west side of the highway. Turn left onto the drive and travel about 50 feet, then turn left into the pasture. Proceed south in the pasture and park where directed. The service will be held on the hill containing three crosses. If it is raining, we will meet at the church.
Following sunrise service, the Deacons will host their annual Easter breakfast at the church at 7:30 am.

The mailbox at the driveway is marked with a fishing pole.