The Wamego Presbyterian Women hosted a Christmas Party in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, Dec. 1. Nineteen ladies attended.
Carolyn opened the event with a Christmas reading from God Came Near, by Max Lucado. She then presided over a short business meeting for the WPW. Brenda gave a report on Holly Fest. The committee recently purchased a new small freezer for the kitchen, dedicated to storing ice, from Holly Fest funds. A committee sign-up sheet was distributed for the 2014 activities. The nominating committee will meet soon to select a slate of officers for the upcoming year.
The gift exchange was a “Kitchen Shower” for the church kitchen, organized by Bette and Brenda. Attendees chose an ornament from the gift tree in the narthex, then purchased the requested item for the kitchen. The church kitchen is now well stocked with a variety of new dish cloths, towels, measuring cups and spoons, assorted Ziplock bags, slotted spoons, and many other items. The gift tree poster in the narthex still has a few ornaments from the wish list for the gift exchange. It will be on display for 2 more weeks. For those that missed the party, there’s still time to choose an ornament and provide a gift for the church kitchen.
Along with the gifts, everyone brought a sweet or savory snack to share. Thanks go to Dalene for providing the cute table decorations.
The WPW hosts four activities each year for ladies and guests of the church. The next event will be scheduled for Spring 2014.